Updated on Oct. 10, 2021
Plant Disease Management Group
Northwest A&F University, China
Jieyin Chen, Steven J. Closterman, Xiaoping Hu, Xiaofeng Dai, and Krishna Subbarao*. Key insights and research prospects at the dawn of the population genomics era for Verticillium dahlie. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 2021, 59: 31-51. IF 13.078
Jiahui Wang, Jingjing Wang, Juan Li, Hongsheng Shang, Xianming Chen, Xiaoping Hu*. The RLK protein TaCRK10 activates wheat high‐temperature seedling‐plant resistance to stripe rust through interacting with TaH2A.1. The Plant Journal, 2021, DOI:10.1111/tpj.15513 IF 6.417
Yangshan Hu#, Fei Tao#, Chang Su, Yue Zhang, Juan Li, Jiahui Wang, Xiangming Xu, Xianming Chen, Hongsheng Shang, Xiaoping Hu*. NBS-LRR gene TaRPS2 is positively associated with the high-temperature seedling plant resistance of wheat against Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Phytopathology, 2021. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-03-20-0063-R. IF 4.025
Conghao Wang, Yuxiang Li, Baotong Wang, and Xiaoping Hu*. Genetic analysis reveals relationships among populations of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici from the Longnan, Longdong and Central Shaanxi regions of China. Phytopathology, 2021. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-07-20-0312-R. IF 4.025
Conghao Wang, Wenjing Shang, Qiang Wang, Sanhong Fan, Krishna V. Subbarao, Xiangming Xu, and Xiaoping Hu*. Root rot of Panax quinquefolius caused by Sclerotinia nivalis. Plant Pathology, 2021, doi.org/10.1111/ppa.13439
Sanhong Fan, Qiang Wang, Jichen Dai, Jinlong Jiang, Xiaoping Hu*, and Krishna V. Subbarao. The Whole Genome Sequence of Fusarium redolens strain YP04, a Pathogen that Causes Root Rot of American Ginseng. Phytopathology, 2021. IF 4.025
Sanhong Fan, Fangjie Zhao, Jiguang Zhang, Wenjing Shang, and Hu Xiaoping*. American ginseng root rot caused by Fusarium redolens in China. 2021, Plant Disease, doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-20-2600-PDN. IF 4.438
聂晓,刘伟,范洁茹,胡小平*,周益林*. 小麦化肥农药减施集成技术综合效益评价. 植物保护,2021,47(2): 95-102
李春莲,万楚军,龚雪,赵方杰,陈荣信,胡小平*. 西洋参种质资源及品种选育技术研究进展. 西北农业学报,2021, 30(3): 321-332
王聪浩,商文静,陈荣信,胡小平*. 雪腐核盘菌菌核的萌发条件与致死温度. 菌物学报,2021
郭云忠,胡杰,李思娟,闫明杰,李文文,胡小平. 陕西关中灌区麦田杂草发生规律及防治指标. 杂草学报,2021,39(1): 38-42
高立强,赵方杰,张吉光,赵平,苏景文,陈荣信,王启明,商文静,胡小平*. 不同产地西洋参主要活性成分检测与品质评价. 西北农业学报,2021,30(9): 1402-1409
Jinya Su, Dewei Yi, Baofeng Su, Zhiwen Mi, Cunjia Liu*, Xiaoping Hu*, Xiangming Xu, Lei Guo and Wen-Hua Chen. Aerial Visual Perception in Smart Farming: Field Study of Wheat Yellow Rust Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020. TOP Journal IF 9.112.
Tao Fei#, Hu Yangshan#, Su Chang, Li Juan, Guo Lili, Xu Xiangming, Chen Xianming, Shang Hongsheng, Hu Xiaoping*. Revealing differentially expressed genes and identifying effector proteins of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in response to high-temperature seedling plant resistance of wheat based on transcriptome sequencing. mSphere, 2020, 5: e00096-20. IF 4.447
Jiguang Zhang#, Sanhong Fan#, Jun Qin#, Jichen Dai, Fangjie Zhao, Liqiang Gao, Xihong Lian, Wenjing Shang, Xiangming Xu and Xiaoping Hu. Changes of microbiome in the soil of American ginseng continuous plantation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11: 572199.
Shandang Shi, Jingchen Zhao, Lefan Pu, Daojie Sun, Dejun Han, Chunlian Li*, Xiaojun Feng, Dongsheng Fan, and Xiaoping Hu*. Identification of new sources of resistance to crown rot and Fusarium head blight in wheat. Plant Disease, 2020.
Haiyuan Li#, Jichen Dai#, Jun Qin, Wenjing Shang, Jieyin Chen, Li Zhang, Xiaofeng Dai, Steven J. Klosterman, Xiangming Xu, Krishna V. Subbarao*, Sanhong Fan*, and Xiaoping Hu*. Genome Sequences of Verticillium dahliae Defoliating Strain XJ592 and Nondefoliating Strain XJ511, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2020, 33(4): 565-568.
Xiaoping Hu*, Shiqin Cao, Alex Cornelius, Xiangming Xu. Predicting overwintering of wheat stripe rust in central and north-western China. Plant Disease, 2020, 104(1):44-51.
Wang J, Tian W, Tao F, Wang J, Shang H, Chen X, Xu X and Hu X* (2020) TaRPM1 positively regulates wheat high-temperature seedling-plant resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 10:1679.
Xu, X.*, Hu, X. The effect of aggregation of pathogen and biocontrol microbe propagules on biocontrol potential: a simple modelling study. Phytopathology Research, 2020, 2, 5.
Fan, R., Gong, X., Gao, L., Shang, W.*, Hu, X., and Xu, X.. Temporal dynamics of the survival of Verticillium dahliae microsclerotia with or without melanin in soils amended with biocontrol agents. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2020, 157: 521-531.
Yangshan Hu, Fei Tao, Chang Su, Yue Zhang, Juan Li, Jiahui Wang, Xiangming Xu, Xianming Chen, Hongsheng Shang, and Xiaoping Hu. NBS-LRR gene TaRPS2 is positively associated with the high-temperature seedling plant resistance of wheat against Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Phytopathology, 2020. doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-03-20-0063-R
许永福,靳红玲,苏景文,胡小平. 刺罩式土壤蒸汽处理机设计与试验. 农机化研究,2020,42(07): 144-149.
赵方杰, 廉喜红, 胡小平, 苏景文, 王启明, 赵平, 范三红, 商文静*. 不同产地西洋参氨基酸种类及含量分析. 西北农业学报, 2020, 7: 1-8.
宋瑞, 王嘉荟, 袁冬贞, 王保通, 范三红, 秦志波, 黄冲, 刘万才, 胡小平*. 小麦赤霉病自动监测预警系统应用效果评价. 植物保护, 2020, 46(3): 215-219.
赵沛, 冯自力, 师勇强, 赵丽红, 胡小平*, 朱荷琴*. 棉花内生真菌cef-373菌株对棉花黄萎病的防效及其作用机理. 植物保护学报, 2019, 46(6): 1203-1213.
蒲乐凡,任 慧,欧杨晨,任慧莉,曾庆东,胡小平,李春莲,韩德俊. 小麦茎基腐病和赤霉病抗源筛选及关联SNP位点分析. 麦类作物学报, 2020, (7): 780-788.
Jinya Su, Cunjia Liu, Xiaoping Hu*, Xiangming Xu, Lei Guo, Wen-Hua Chen. Spatio-temporal monitoring of wheat yellow rust using UAV multispectral imagery. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2019, 167, 105035.
Haiyuan Li, Rui Jing, Zhipeng Wang, Xiaoping Hu, Xiangming Xu, Wenjing Shang*, Ruiqing Shen, Chengjin Guo, Qingyun Guo, Aichang Chen, Zhouquan Wei, Krishna V. Subbarao. Resistance evaluation of potato cultivars to Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae and V. nonalfalfae. Plant Disease, 2019, 103(6): 1357-1362.
Jiahui Wang, Junjuan Wang, Hongsheng Shang, Xianming Chen, Xiangming Xu, Xiaoping Hu*. TaXa21, a LRR-rich receptor like kinase associated with TaWRKY76 and TaWRKY62, plays positive roles in wheat high-temperature seedling plant resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2019, 32(11): 1517-1525.
Xiaoping Hu*, Shiqin Cao, Alex Cornelius, Xiangming Xu. Predicting overwintering of wheat stripe rust in central and north-western China. Plant Disease, 2019, 103(4):638-644.
Xiaoping Hu, Krishna D. Puri, Suraj Gurung, Steven J. Klosterman, Christopher M. Wallis, Monica Britton, Blythe Durbin-Johnson, Brett Phinney, Michelle Salemi, Dylan P. G. Short, and Krishna V. Subbarao. Proteome and metabolome analyses reveal differential responses in tomato-Verticillium dahliae-interactions. Journal of Proteomics, 2019, 207:103449.
Haiyuan Li, Rui Jing, Zhipeng Wang, Xiaoping Hu, Xiangming Xu, Wenjing Shang*, Ruiqing Shen, Chengjin Guo, Qingyun Guo, Aichang Chen, Zhouquan Wei, Krishna V. Subbarao. Resistance evaluation of potato cultivars to Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae and V. nonalfalfae. Plant Disease, 2019, 103(6): 1357-1362.
Li, J. J., Zhou, L., Yin, C. M., Zhang, D. D., Klosterman, S. J., Wang, B. L., Song, J., Wang, D., Hu, X. P., Subbarao, K. V., Chen, J. Y., & Dai, X. F. The Verticillium dahliae Sho1-MAPK pathway regulates melanin biosynthesis and is required for cotton infection. Environmental microbiology, 2019, 21(12), 4852–4874.
景瑞, 赵方杰, 刘一凡, 商文静, 沈瑞清, 郭青云, 胡小平. 宁夏马铃薯黄萎病病原菌分离鉴定及寄主范围测定. 植物病理学报, 2019, 49(1): 11-19.
郭丽丽,户雪敏,张升恒,李颖,伏松平,范三红,胡小平. 陇南小麦条锈菌夏孢子的周年动态变化规律. 麦类作物学报,2019,10:1-6.
冯小军,郭海鹏,贺亚红,许烨,赵小宁,王保通,胡小平,李春莲. 小麦茎基腐病田间化学防治研究. 西北农业学报,2019,28(9): 1515-1521.
Rui Jing, Haiyuan Li, Xiaoping Hu, Wenjing Shang*, Ruiqing Shen, Chengjin Guo, Qingyun Guo, Krishna V. Subbarao. Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae and V. nonalfalfae in potato. Plant Disease, 2018.
Wang Y, Hu X, Fang Y, Anchieta A, Goldman P, Hernandez G, Klosterman S*. Transcription factor VdCmr1 is required for pigment production, protection from UV irradiation, and regulates expression of melanin biosynthetic genes in Verticillium dahliae. Microbiology, 2018.
Fei Tao, Junjuan Wang, Zhongfeng Guo, Jingjing Hu, Xiangming Xu, Jiarong Yang*, Xianming Chen, and Xiaoping Hu*. Transcriptomic Analysis Reveal the Molecular Mechanisms of Wheat Higher-Temperature Seedling-Plant Resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018.
Xiangming Xu, Lijie Ma, Xiaoping Hu*. Overwintering of Wheat Stripe Rust under Field Conditions in the Northwestern Regions of China. Plant Disease, 2018.
Rong Fan, Helen Cockerton, Andrew D. Armitage, Helen Bates, Emma Cascant-Lopez, Laima Antanaviciute, Xiangming Xu, Xiaoping Hu and Richard J. Harrison. Vegetative compatibility groups partition variation in the virulence of Verticillium dahliae on strawberry. PLoS ONE, 2018.
Su, J.*, Liu, C., Coombes, M., Hu, X.*, Wang, C., Xu, X., Li, Q., Guo, L., Chen, W. Wheat yellow rust monitoring by learning from multispectral UAV aerial imagery. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2018, 155: 157-166.
刘轩,王春生,李海源,商文静,沈瑞清,郭青云,胡小平. 大丽轮枝菌VdSCH9基因的功能研究. 菌物学报,2018.
王嘉荟, 范三红, 于慧云, 沈瑞清, 胡小平. 尖孢镰刀菌FoHeli转座元件的结构特征及功能验证. 菌物学报, 2018, 37(3): 325-334.
范三红,胡小平. 小麦赤霉菌毒素合成机制及检测技术研究进展. 麦类作物学报,2018.
徐小鸿,王春生,李海源,商文静,胡小平*. 大丽轮枝菌VdCPMO基因克隆与功能分析. 菌物学报,2018,37(2): 175-182.
曹亚松,王春生,李海源,徐小鸿,商文静,杨家荣*,胡小平*. 大丽轮枝菌VdLac基因克隆与功能分析. 西北农业学报,2018,27(2):275-282.
袁东贞,崔章静,杨桦,刘万才,谢飞舟,文耀东,胡小平*. 基于物联网的小麦赤霉病自动监测预警系统应用效果. 中国植保导刊,2017,37(1):46-51.
张皓,李培贵,李生彬,吕志强,胡小平. 4种杀虫剂对甘草胭珠蚧的防治效果. 植物保护, 2017,43(1):214-217.
郭忠峰,陶飞,田玮,杨家荣,胡小平*. 小偃6号TaWRKY45基因在高温抗条锈病中的功能研究.麦类作物学报,2017,37(10): 1318-1326.
申永铭,郭成瑾,王喜刚,沈瑞清,陈爱昌,胡小平*. 土壤中立枯丝核菌AG3菌核的荧光定量PCR快速检测. 菌物学报,2017,36 (10): 1383-1391.
申永铭, 李海源, 陈爱昌, 胡小平*. 甘肃定西地区甘蓝枯萎病病原菌的分离与鉴定. 植物保护,2017,43(4): 180-184.
于慧云,王嘉荟,胡小平,范三红*. 明尼苏达被毛孢中活跃扩张的HmHeli1转座元件. 菌物学报,2017,36 (10): 1392-1405.
樊荣,徐小鸿,曹亚松,商文静,朱荷琴,胡小平*. 大丽轮枝菌黑色素合成相关基因与微菌核形成的关系. 菌物学报,2017,36(12):1608-1615.
Wang Junjuan, Tao Fei, An Fei, Zou Yiping, Tian Wei, Chen Xianming, Xu Xiangming, Hu Xiaoping*. Wheat transcription factor TaWRKY70 is positively involved in high-temperature seedling-plant resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2017, 18(5):649-661.
Wang J.J., Tao F., Tian W., Guo Z.F., Chen X.M., Xu X.M., Shang H.S., and Hu X.P.*. The wheat WRKY transcription factors TaWRKY49 and TaWRKY62 confer differential high-temperature seedling-plant resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(7): e0181963.
Hu X.-P.*, Ma L.-J., Liu T.-G., Wang C.-H., Peng Y.-L., Pu Q., and Xu. X.-M. Population genetic analysis of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici suggests two distinct populations in Tibet and the other regions of China. Plant Disease, 2017, 101: 288-296.
Rong Fan, Steven Klosterman, Conghao Wang, Krishna Subbarao, Xiangming Xu, Wenjing Shang, Xiaoping Hu*. Vayg1 is required for microsclerotiuma formation and melanin production in Verticillium dahliae. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2017, 98: 1-11.
Lijie Ma, Xiaoping Hu*, Xiangming Xu. Effect of controlled fluctuating low temperatures on survival of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2017, 147: 713-716.
Yiping Zou, Lijie Ma, Haitao Dong, Fei Tao, Xiaojun Feng, Dongzheng Yuan, Dongsheng Fan, Xiaoping Hu*. PstTPS1, the Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase gene of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, involves in cold stress response and hyphae development. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2017, 100: 201-208.
Xiaoping Hu. Marker development for Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Phytopathology, 2017, S5.151
郭忠峰,陶飞,田玮,杨家荣,胡小平.小偃6号TaWRKY45基因在高温抗条锈病中的功能研究.麦类作物学报,2017,37(10): 1318-1326.
申永铭,郭成瑾,王喜刚,沈瑞清,陈爱昌,胡小平*. 土壤中立枯丝核菌AG3菌核的荧光定量PCR快速检测. 菌物学报,2017,36 (10): 1383-1391.
于慧云,王嘉荟,胡小平,范三红*. 明尼苏达被毛孢中活跃扩张的HmHeli1转座元件. 菌物学报,2017,36 (10): 1392-1405.
樊荣,徐小鸿,曹亚松,商文静,朱荷琴,胡小平*. 大丽轮枝菌黑色素合成相关基因与微菌核形成的关系. 菌物学报,2017,36(12):1608-1615.
袁冬贞,崔章静,杨桦,刘万才,谢飞舟,文耀东,胡小平*. 基于物联网的小麦赤霉病自动监测预警系统应用效果. 中国植保导刊,2017,37(1):46-51.
张皓,李培贵,李生彬,吕志强,胡小平. 4种杀虫剂对甘草胭珠蚧的防治效果. 植物保护, 2017,43(1):214-217.
申永铭, 李海源, 陈爱昌, 胡小平.甘肃定西地区甘蓝枯萎病病原菌的分离与鉴定. 植物保护,2017,43(4): 180-184.
Junjuan Wang, Fei Tao, Fei An, Yiping Zou, Wei Tian, Xianming Chen, Xiangming Xu, Xiaoping Hu*. Wheat transcription factor TaWRKY70 is positively involved in high-temperature seedling-plant resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2016, 12425.
Lijie Ma, Jiaxing Qiao, Xinyu Kong, Junjuan Wang, Xiangming Xu, Xiaoping Hu*. An improved method for RNA extraction from urediniospores of and wheat leaves infected by an obligate fungal pathogen, Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2016, 15 (6): 1293-1303.
Wei Fang, Fan Rong, Thomas Passey, Hu Xiaoping*, and Xiangming Xu*. Identification of candidate soil microbes responsible for small-scale heterogeneity in strawberry plant vigour. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2016, 15 (9): 2049-2058.
Feng Wei, Xiaoping Hu*, and Xiangming Xu*. Dispersal of Bacillus subtilis and its effect on strawberry phyllosphere microbiota under open field and protection conditions. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:22611.
Lijie Ma, Xinyu Kong, Jiaxing Qiao, Fei An, Xiaoping Hu*, Xiangming Xu. Overwintering of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici on winter wheat at varying altitudes in Gansu and Qinghai provinces. Plant Disease, 2016, 100(6): 1138-1145.
Shang W, Fan S, Short D, Cao X, Zhang H, Kasson MT, Chen Y, Hu X*. Cochineal scale (Porphyrophora ningxiana) enhances Fusarium wilt and root rot of Chinese licorice plant (Glycyrrhiza uralensis). Austin Biology. 2016; 1(4): 1016.
胡小平,任志刚. 农业生产模式与植物保护的发展. 植物保护,2016,42(2):1-5.
陈爱昌,魏周全,骆得功,胡小平. 甘肃省定西市马铃薯黑痣病菌菌丝融合群的鉴定及药剂筛选. 植物保护,2016,42(1):197-202.
邹一萍,马丽杰,胡小平*. 条锈病菌源基地小麦返青期条锈病发病程度预测. 西北农业学报,2016,25(2):306-310.
Xiaoping Hu, Suraj Gurung, Dylan P.G. Short, German V. Sandoya, Wenjing Shang, Ryan J. Hayes, R. Michael Davis, Krishna V. Subbarao. Non-defoliating and defoliating strains from cotton correlate with races 1 and 2 of Verticillium dahliae. Plant Disease, 2015, 99(12): 1713-1720. IF=3.02
Lijie Ma, Jiaxing Qiao, Xinyu Kong, Yiping Zou, Xiangming Xu, Xianming Chen, Xiaoping Hu*. Effect of low temperature and wheat winter-hardiness on survival of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici under controlled conditions. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(6): e0130691. IF=3.234
Suraj Gurung, Dylan Short, Xiaoping Hu, German V Sandoya, Ryan J Hayes, Krishna Subbarao. Screening of wild and cultivated Capsicum germplasm reveals new sources of Verticillium wilt resistance. Plant Disease, 2015, 99(10): 1404-1409. IF=3.02
Xiaoping Hu, Laurence V Madden, Simon Edwards, and Xiangming Xu. Combining models is more likely to give better predictions than single models. Phytopathology, 2015, 105(9): 1174-1182. IF=3.119
Feng Wei, Rong Fan, Haitao Dong, Wenjing Shang, Xiangming XU, Heqin Zhu, Jiarong Yang, Xiaoping Hu*. Threshold Microsclerotial Inoculum for Cotton Verticillium Wilt Determined through Wet-sieving and Real-time Quantitative PCR. Phytopathology, 2015, 105: 220-229. IF=3.119
Feng Wei, Wenjing Shang, Jiarong Yang, Xiaoping Hu*, Xiangming Xu*. Spatial pattern of Verticillium dahliae microsclerotia and cotton plants with wilt symptoms in commercial plantations. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(7): e0132812. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132812. IF=3.234
Hu XP, Ma LJ, Wang BT, Kang ZS, and Xu XM. Quantification of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in urediniospores and infected wheat leaves using real-time quantitative PCR of DNA and RNA. Phytopathology, 2015, 105(S4), S4.61.
Suraj Gurung, Dylan Short, Xiaoping Hu, German V Sandoya, Ryan J Hayes, Steven T Koile, Krishna Subbarao. Host range of Verticillium isaacii and Verticillium klebahnii from artichoke, spinach and lettuce. Plant Disease, 2015, 99(7): 933-938. IF=3.02
Suraj Gurung, Dylan Short, Xiaoping Hu, German V Sandoya, Ryan J Hayes, Krishna Subbarao. Screening of wild and cultivated Capsicum germplasm reveals new sources of Verticillium wilt resistance. Plant Disease, 2015, 99(10): 1404-1409. IF=3.02
马丽杰,王雅婷,鲁传强,王建锋,詹刚明,王保通,康振生,杨敏娜,彭岳林,刘太国,陈万权,胡小平*. 西藏林芝与内地小麦条锈菌分子群体遗传结构及菌源关系. 植物病理学报,2015,45(2):188-197.
徐向明,胡小平*. 植物病理学中常见数据的统计分析方法. 植物病理学报,2015,45(1):1-6.
安菲,陶飞,王军娟,田玮,商鸿生,胡小平*. 小偃6号高温抗条锈性表达的最佳条件. 麦类作物学报,2015,35(9):1314-1319.
肖文杰,邹一萍,鲁传强,娄少之,杨占臣,冉俊祥,胡小平*. 进境玉米种子携带内州萎蔫病菌的巢式PCR检测. 西北农业学报,2015,24(11):165-171.
鲁传强,马丽杰,王保通,康振生,胡小平*. 条形柄锈菌33号生理小种的分子标记. 菌物学报,2015,34(6):1111-1117.
Zhang Yalin, Li Zhifang, Feng Zili, Feng Hongjie, Zhao Lihong, Shi Yongqiang, Hu Xiaoping*, Zhu Heqin*. Isolation and functional analysis of the pathogenicity-related gene VdPR3 from Verticillium dahliae on cotton. Current Genetics, 2015. DOI 10.1007/s00294-015-0476-z. IF=2.682
Ahmed A. El-Sharawy, Dongfang Hu, Xiaoping Hu, Jiarong Yang. Construction of a Large Mutational Library from a Defoliating Verticillium dahliae Strain and its Evaluation. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2015, 9(2):33-45.
Ahmed A. ElSharawy, Xiaoping Hu, Jiarong Yang. Trade-Offs between Growth Rate, Sporulation and Pathogenicity in Verticillium dahliae. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015, 7(7):35-41.
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